Thursday, March 13, 2014

"Important" Update to Yesterday's Burger Post

Naomi and I agreed that the black bean burgers (oatmeal, ketchup, mustard, cumin, black beans, finely cut spinach) topped with grilled Portobello mushrooms, grilled purple onion, ketchup, mustard, finely sliced jalapenos, lettuce, sliced cherry tomatoes, pickles, and avocado (or guacamole, as we had both) served on organic wheat buns were good, but we plan to maintain the same toppings next time and grill Portobello mushrooms instead as the "base." Lest you think we're going vegan-ish, our next burgers will be from Five Guys next Wendesday, as 25% of the proceeds from the meal go to the Rocky River PTA. In an unrelated story, the weather *was* awful yesterday. I'm glad I had the time to file my Form 1040x and *almost* complete all of my tax paperwork for the year. I'm going to spend the extra tax refund on some mulch, baby!

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