Sunday, April 22, 2007

Ben's Not Snoozin'


Douglas Buehrle said...

What a cute little boy

Bruce Mines & District H.S. said...

WOw, he is just looking more grown up each time we see him.

Notablogger said...
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Notablogger said...

Cute picture, I don't understand the title. Do you always refer to Ben being awake as the grammatically inproper phrase, "Not Snoozin". I would think it's just simpler to say he's awake.

Take for example me right now. I could write what I'm not doing which is I'm not working on a certain students FAFSA results, but instead I just write, "blogging" and then I don't have to type so much.

With the global warming threat becoming even more loominus (sp?), we need to conserve everything, even the amount of typing we do.

Thank you and good day.

Burly said...

the sfb - he's holding an alarm clock ...