Friday, December 02, 2005

MP3 Questions ...

I have a few questions regarding downloads to my MP3 player for all you knowledgeable folk out there:

1.) If I want to just get a few books (e.g. I don’t want to join an MP3 book club), where should I go to get them (e.g. all or part of the Bible, The Chronicles of Narnia, and maybe a book or two more). I don’t really need or want to get into a rental agreement, because we only really plan to listen to books on longer trips.
2.) I’ve heard that it’s sometimes hard to convert books from CDs to MP3s because of blockers of some sort. Is this true? Is there a way around it?
3.) I’d like to do all of the above without breaking copyright laws.

Thanks for the input in advance!


Anonymous said...

You can download chapters of the bible free at bible gateway. Then you can download what you want ot listen to and grow your bible overtime.

Burly said...

thanks dad, i'll check it out ...

Anonymous said...

so the i river was a bust? Hope the IPOD is more satisfying